Monday, March 1, 2010

Task 2

We had to finish up what was needed :
  1. Finish the seven postings on the blog by today
  2. Upload the file to the workbin
  3. Finish the powerpoint
The encourager and the recorder have done the seven postings. While the questioner is editing the powerpoint. The leader, is uploading the file on the workbin.

Reflections for today :
I learnt how to use the different tools in blogger. And we learnt to distribute the tasks to one another equally. We also learnt that teamwork and co-operation are very important for this week's IPW lesson. We have to co-operate with each other and do our own allocated tasks. And also being fair and to divide the works equally.  With this values in mind, we had finally finished all of the tasks the teachers had given us.


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