Saturday, March 27, 2010

Reflection on Google Document.

This week lesson, we learnt how to use google document and who has done their part in this project.We also learnt that we should distribute our roles evenly so that everyone do a certain amount of job. Hence, everyone is treated fairly and no obstruction may happen. We are suppose to finish the google document by the end of this week. I have encounter some problems with entering the damaisec site.


Monday, March 8, 2010


The date line for the subbmision of the powerpoint was extended to Sunday. We had to post our reflections on the blog after each lesson. The teacher let us view other groups powerpoint slides and commented the slides. The group leader and the questioner, Cherlyn and Sally, helped to improve the powerpoint slides. The encourager and the recorder, Judith and Amelia, did the reflections.

We learnt the mistakes from other group's powerpoint slides. We tried to improve our powerpoint slides by following teacher's comments.
Examples of mistakes from other classmates powerpoint slides such as : many different types of fonts were used in one powerpoint, the background of the powerpoint slides did not contrast with the colour of the words and too many images were used in one slide.

Amelia and Judith.

Friday, March 5, 2010


I have finish re-doing the powerpoint and we have tried to length our posts. We have learnt that we should include more of our feelings into our reflection as it is too short. We also learnt about teamwork as we distributed our jobs evenly and get it done as fast as possible. I feel that everyone in our group is co-operative and they have put in the effort in this project work. We learnt how to managed our own roles such that everything goes in order.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Task 2

We had to finish up what was needed :
  1. Finish the seven postings on the blog by today
  2. Upload the file to the workbin
  3. Finish the powerpoint
The encourager and the recorder have done the seven postings. While the questioner is editing the powerpoint. The leader, is uploading the file on the workbin.

Reflections for today :
I learnt how to use the different tools in blogger. And we learnt to distribute the tasks to one another equally. We also learnt that teamwork and co-operation are very important for this week's IPW lesson. We have to co-operate with each other and do our own allocated tasks. And also being fair and to divide the works equally.  With this values in mind, we had finally finished all of the tasks the teachers had given us.


Task 1

Tasks were given to the encourager(Judith), the recorder(Amelia) and the leader( Cheryln). The encourager was in charge of the research which had to be put in a word document and uploaded into the portal. The recorder was in charge of blog postings which had to be done every week at the end of each lesson. The leader is incharge of the powerpoint.

Reflection :

We learnt where and how to hand in the files to the workbin. We also learnt that it is indeed important to hand in our work on time. We also learnt how to distribute jobs evenly and everyone were working with progress. Everyone in our group puts in the effort to our project.


Copyright and Internet etiquette

Reflection on Copyright and Internet etiquette

We learnt that copyright is an offence and it is wrong to take other's work without permission. The owner of the work can sue you as he/she has the rights to do as the document as a copyright symbol. If you want to use a certain part of the information, you must cite the website as it does not belong to you. Therefore, it is important to have good internet etiquette. Taking other people information without credits is a wrong thing to do. I feel that it is a good learning lesson for us to learn.


Introduction to Project Schemes

Reflection on Introduction to project schemes

We are doing on the theme of "Bedok Reservoir our future classroom".
We decided on the subject art as there are many sceneries for us to draw.
We also have to decide on which part of the Bedok Reservoir we are going to draw/sketch as students may get lost because of the large area.
The final project is a poster.


Group forming

Reflection on group forming

Our group members are Amelia(recorder), Judith(encourager), Sally(questioner) and Cheryln(leader).We named ourselves as "D-BEST" as we think that each and every individual are the best in anything they do. We strive to achieve our goals and to be the best that we can be.

Why did we choose this group name :

We feel that each and everyone one of us in this group have the potential to do their best in anything as long as we have the right attitude. By putting in effort, we can be the best that we can be.
