Sunday, September 12, 2010

Photoshop Lesson 4

For this lesson, we have learnt more skills on photoshop. We had to design a poster. Our theme was on having outdoor art lessons which was at Bedok Reservoir. The teacher taught our group on how to make our poster more attractive by adding more pictures and bright coloured, bold words.

He also taught us on how to make our words more attractive such as making it colourful, making it have a glowing effect and how to make it look like it has paint dripping down from it.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Photoshop lesson 3

This week, we continue to do our poster design on outdoor learning using photoshop. We had learnt how to use different functions and tools on photoshops. This will help us in the future when we need to use it. I think that it is good to learn this as it is good for our future use and improve our IT skills.

By doing a poster design, it enhaces our creativeness and makes the overall look of the poster nicer as there are many effects on photoshop for u to use.


Friday, July 30, 2010

Poster Making

This PW lesson, we covered up on our photoshop skills.
We recapped on every photoshop skills which we learnt on the past few weeks and started to make our poster based on our topic, The Bedok Reservoir- Our Future Classroom For Arts.
We managed  find some Bedok Reservoir pictures that are suitable for our poster backgrounds, and also related  pictures that we can crop to our poster by using photoshop. I think that photoshop has made this activity much easier and at the same time, much more fun.
Creating a poster is also fun as we could expose our creativities in the poster.  


Monday, July 26, 2010

Reflection for 20 july's IPW lesson

We learnt some photoshop skills in this lesson. Some examples are of such :

• How to edit the features of your photo

• How to lighten/darken the skin tone of your photo

I feel that the lesson is very interesting and knowledgable as it helps as to improve our photoshop skills for those who already know how to use photoshop and for those who are not that familiar with photoshop. The lesson was very helpful as it teaches us how to edit our pictures according to our desire, from removing spots or even pimples from our face to lightening and darkening our skin tone.


Photoshop lesson 1

During this lesson, we learnt about how to operate the photoshop application.
  • cropping images with different tools
  • minimise and maximise images 
  • put different pictures together
I feel that the photoshop lesson is useful and interesting as it teaches us the diffrerent skills on how to make a photograph look better. Moreover, we might also need to use it in the future for projects or creating posters. The lesson was useful as it taught us how to combine different pictures together, cropping images using different tools and making the pictures bigger and smaller.


Monday, April 26, 2010

CA Assessment

Our teacher showed us the components that was under the CA Assessment. It was put into two parts, Part A and B, where Part A consisted of the word document, powerpoint, excel and the cyberwellness quiz which was a total of 40 marks. Whereas, Part B consisted of the ten reflections which was a total of 60 marks. The total weightage is 30%.

We think that we should all do our part to finish Part B which were the ten reflections properly. We have allocated the tasks of doing the blog to each of the members. We have learnt the value of teamspirit and responsibility of each individual. We showed the spirit of responsibility of doing our allocated tasks with all our hearts. We felt that this lesson has reflected on what we did for the past ipw lessons and the contribution of each member. We encouraged each other when we encountered a problem.

How do we benefit from the lessons ?
Through all the ipw lessons, we do have times when we have our happy rimes doing the work as a group. Not to mention, there were not so happy times too when we encountered problems when the computer kept disconnecting. But above all, we still managed to solve the problem as a group which displayed our teamspirit.

Done and edited by Cheryln and Judith.


Last lesson, we watched a video clip on cyber-bullying. We learnt the consequences of cyber-bullying and how it can hurt others. We also learnt on how to prevent ourselves from being bullied online. The video also showed friends uploading other's information on the net, allowing strangers to find more about them. We learnt how to prevent our passwords from being stolen by other people.

I feel that cyber-bullying is a very bad thing and that it can do a lot of harm to the victims being bullied. We should do our part in helping other victims to look on the bright side. We also can spread the awareness of how to prevent one from being bullied online. Cyber-bullying may seem like a small thing to some people but they never know how big the impact is on the victims.

Done and edited by Amelia & Sally.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


On the previous IPW lesson, we used the microsoft excel. The teacher, has taught us various skills regarding microsoft excel. Such as how to caculate the amount of items Without using the need of a caculator. He has also showed us other methods. I feel that the methods that the teacher has taught us is very useful as it helps us when we are using microsoft excel. The methods help us save time while caculating the price of items.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

PW Project Planning

We continued our project planning on the PW handbook for this week. We improved on the analysation and solutions to the problem. We also updated on the weekly criteria, job distribution for the week and finished up the proposal. Next week, Cheryln, the leader and Sally, the questioner will interview a teacher based on our subject, art and ask her/him for opinions and assist for help. The encourager, Judith and Amelia, the recorder will finish up on the ten important rules for the outdoor classroom activity. I learnt and felt that the planning really helps our project. And i also felt that each and every person in the group had put in a lot of effort for this project.


Saturday, April 3, 2010

PW Handbook - Project Planning

For this week PW lesson, we got our PW handbook and went through project planning. By doing this project planning, we learnt how we could improve and analyse on our problems. We could eventually solve all this problem by analysing and find solutions to it. Our group members are co-operative and gave solutions to our problems. I think that the handbook is useful to use and give us ideas on how can we carry on with our project. It really benefits us.


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Reflection on Google Document.

This week lesson, we learnt how to use google document and who has done their part in this project.We also learnt that we should distribute our roles evenly so that everyone do a certain amount of job. Hence, everyone is treated fairly and no obstruction may happen. We are suppose to finish the google document by the end of this week. I have encounter some problems with entering the damaisec site.


Monday, March 8, 2010


The date line for the subbmision of the powerpoint was extended to Sunday. We had to post our reflections on the blog after each lesson. The teacher let us view other groups powerpoint slides and commented the slides. The group leader and the questioner, Cherlyn and Sally, helped to improve the powerpoint slides. The encourager and the recorder, Judith and Amelia, did the reflections.

We learnt the mistakes from other group's powerpoint slides. We tried to improve our powerpoint slides by following teacher's comments.
Examples of mistakes from other classmates powerpoint slides such as : many different types of fonts were used in one powerpoint, the background of the powerpoint slides did not contrast with the colour of the words and too many images were used in one slide.

Amelia and Judith.

Friday, March 5, 2010


I have finish re-doing the powerpoint and we have tried to length our posts. We have learnt that we should include more of our feelings into our reflection as it is too short. We also learnt about teamwork as we distributed our jobs evenly and get it done as fast as possible. I feel that everyone in our group is co-operative and they have put in the effort in this project work. We learnt how to managed our own roles such that everything goes in order.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Task 2

We had to finish up what was needed :
  1. Finish the seven postings on the blog by today
  2. Upload the file to the workbin
  3. Finish the powerpoint
The encourager and the recorder have done the seven postings. While the questioner is editing the powerpoint. The leader, is uploading the file on the workbin.

Reflections for today :
I learnt how to use the different tools in blogger. And we learnt to distribute the tasks to one another equally. We also learnt that teamwork and co-operation are very important for this week's IPW lesson. We have to co-operate with each other and do our own allocated tasks. And also being fair and to divide the works equally.  With this values in mind, we had finally finished all of the tasks the teachers had given us.


Task 1

Tasks were given to the encourager(Judith), the recorder(Amelia) and the leader( Cheryln). The encourager was in charge of the research which had to be put in a word document and uploaded into the portal. The recorder was in charge of blog postings which had to be done every week at the end of each lesson. The leader is incharge of the powerpoint.

Reflection :

We learnt where and how to hand in the files to the workbin. We also learnt that it is indeed important to hand in our work on time. We also learnt how to distribute jobs evenly and everyone were working with progress. Everyone in our group puts in the effort to our project.


Copyright and Internet etiquette

Reflection on Copyright and Internet etiquette

We learnt that copyright is an offence and it is wrong to take other's work without permission. The owner of the work can sue you as he/she has the rights to do as the document as a copyright symbol. If you want to use a certain part of the information, you must cite the website as it does not belong to you. Therefore, it is important to have good internet etiquette. Taking other people information without credits is a wrong thing to do. I feel that it is a good learning lesson for us to learn.


Introduction to Project Schemes

Reflection on Introduction to project schemes

We are doing on the theme of "Bedok Reservoir our future classroom".
We decided on the subject art as there are many sceneries for us to draw.
We also have to decide on which part of the Bedok Reservoir we are going to draw/sketch as students may get lost because of the large area.
The final project is a poster.


Group forming

Reflection on group forming

Our group members are Amelia(recorder), Judith(encourager), Sally(questioner) and Cheryln(leader).We named ourselves as "D-BEST" as we think that each and every individual are the best in anything they do. We strive to achieve our goals and to be the best that we can be.

Why did we choose this group name :

We feel that each and everyone one of us in this group have the potential to do their best in anything as long as we have the right attitude. By putting in effort, we can be the best that we can be.


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Do's and dont's of a good powerpoint

The do's and don'ts of a good powerpoint :

Dont's :

  1. Amount of words in each slide must not be very lengthy.
  2. The size of the words must be large enough to see clearly.
  3. Not too much animation.
  4. Dont use dark fonts on a dark background.
  5. No capslock
  6. Avoid using sounds

Do's :

  1. Use animation only to make a point.
  2. Keep slides concise.
  3. Use fonts that are easy to read.
  4. Use statements/tips and not sentences.
  5. Include only 1-2 images per slide.

Reflection about the lesson :

We learnt about powerpoint presentation in this lesson. I feel that it is very helpful as it shows us how to do a good powerpoint and would do us good in other powerpoint projects.


Personality Profile

What we learnt:

We learnt about cyber-bullying. It is a very serious matter that teenagers like us might face. Do not put your personal information on the web.

We also get to know understand what our personalities are. For example, an eagle, an owl, a dove or a peacock. We get to know ourselves better.

Finally, we learnt that people could easily access to other's computor.


We feel that puting our own information online is dangerous as people might try to get near us to know more about us and harm us. We also should avoid puting any of our important information up on the net such as our phone number or where we live.


So far, we have not encountered any problems.

Done by Sally, edited by Judith